
Born in Valencia, “la Terreta més bonica del món”, Kat S.F. (Kat Escrivà) has a degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Valencia, and she’s a  master’s degree in Digital Journalism and Communication by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Her virtues as a writer and her taste of music, make her start publishing in MetalHammer SPN magazine for 7 years (2009-2015) alternating this with her collaborations in the webzine, while starts in 2010, and where she still continues.

In 2010 she began her adventure at the UPV with the radiozine Valencia’N’Metal which was on air for 8 years. In these years, she interviewed a very important musicians from both Valencia like Vicente Feijóo (Zarpa) and Spain like Dave Rotten (Avulsed and owner at Xtreem music.

After a few years away from the Metal-Rock scene, she returns with renewed focus to present a new project that is more ambitious that seeks to cross all the borders…